National Life Safety Group - News
Synergizing HR and Health & Safety: Collaborative Emergency Management in the Workplace
Synergizing HR and Health & Safety: Collaborative Emergency Management in the Workplace
Unlocking Efficiency and Safety in Condominium Communities with Innovative Solutions
Condominium communities are not immune to various risks that can both jeopardize resident safety and the financial integrity of the corporation. Risk Management initiatives, along with the importance of comprehensive documentation is needed – Why…to substantiate compliance and fortify against potential liabilities or claims.
Addressing Risk - Common questions - after the residential building fire.
Cornwall, Ontario Fire Services has laid 12 charges against landlords of a multi-unit residence where there were deficient smoke and carbon monoxide alarms during a fire on July 27 / 23.
Power Failures in High-Rise Condominiums
As with all incidents impacting a high-rise building’s operations requiring a response, lessons learned are identified after the incident, to ensure that the next incident impacts us all - less. This is the very foundation of having an “active” risk management program required by building Owners. The following is a brief list of lessons learned, best practices and tips to ensure your high-rise building is ready for the next power failure.
Fire Prevention Week 2021 What does it mean for Condo Boards & Property Managers in Ontario.
Fire Prevention Week 2021 ! What does this mean for Condominiums in Ontario?